Monkey getting started

NOTE: This page is a work in progress. Don't hesitate to contact for any reason. Please request information which you feel should be available:
discord: @___rein

Before starting, insert a CR2032 battery into Monkey. The LEDs in the light house as well as the LEDs in the eyes of the monkey will brifely blink indicating it has power and ready to use.

Device updates

It is recommended to update your device to the newest firmare version. Updates are easily handled within this website, on the device update page. If there is a new update available, update your device with a single press of a button.

Connecting up

Monkey supports a variety of hosts. Below are specific tutorials for your setup.

If you have problems finding Monkey, make sure it is not connected to anything else. If you still can't find it, then you can reboot it by pressing SHIFT+WAKE and keeping them pressed for a couple of seconds.

We are developing our own connection management tool named MIDI Connect. We recommend you to check it out, its available in beta here. We are pushing to make MIDI bluetooth devices more practical to use, and this tool is a central piece of that. If you don't want to use it, you can instead just follow the native macOS procedure below.

Connecting Monkey to macOS is easy. Just follow these steps:

1. Open up Audio MIDI Setup

Search for Bluetooth

2. Open MIDI studio

Open MIDI studio

3. Open the bluetooth panel

Open Bluetooth window

Or alternatively if you don't see the bluetooth icon

Open Bluetooth window

4. Find your device in the list and connect

Connect to Monkey
Windows currently does not have the best support for MIDI over Bluetooth. The steps below might look a bit complicated. But when it's initially done, it should'nt be too bad.

You will need the following programs installed

  1. loopMIDI:
  2. MIDIBerry:

Then follow these steps to start using Monkey:

0. Windows 11 users first have to enable Advanced devices discovery in bluetooth system settings

windows advanced bluetooth

1. Pair Monkey in Windows settings. You only need to do this step if Monkey is not paired to your Windows computer. Windows might fail to pair with your device. If so, reboot Monkey and try again.

After it is successfully paired, Windows will automatically disconnect Monkey. Don't worry, this is expected as Windows don's yet see any reason for being connected to it. It should then appear as a paired device.

windows connect windows pairing windows paired windows connected

2. Configure a MIDI port using loopMIDI. Here we name it my midi port.

port create port create

3. Open MIDIBerry, select WAVY MONKEY as input device (this should result in Windows reconnecting to Monkey) and the MIDI port you created as output.

Now you are done! Check if it works by pressing some random keys on Monkey as seeing wether these notes are recieved in INPUT MONITOR in MIDIBerry.


1. You can use the application MIDI BLE Connect to connect to your device

Connect to Monkey Connect to Monkey

2. Now it is connected and ready to be used, for example using the application MIDI Keyboard or full fledged DAWs

Use Monkey
Information coming soon
Information coming soon

Configure DAW

By default Monkey sends on MIDI channel 1 for instruments and 16 for the drums. The instrument channel is changeable by pressing SHIFT+CH, then while keeping SHIFT pressed, press one of the numbered buttons. Selecting channel 0 on Monkey selects MIDI channel 16.

1. Make sure Monkey is enabled in settings MIDI Ports

Ableton settings

2. Configure channel for each midi track you want to play on Monkey. Use channel 1-10 for instruments and channel 16 for your drum rack

Ableton channel

Make sure each track you want to use is armed

Ableton arm

1. Make sure the device is enabled in FL Studio settings

FL Studio settings

2. Lock any instrument to the keyboard, to be able to recieve specific MIDI channels

FL Studio assign to keyboard

3. Now you can assign as many instruments as you desire, through channel 1-10. And a drum rack to channel 16

FL Studio configure channel FL Studio configure channel