A portable 3-octave Bluetooth MIDI keyboard with months of battery life

KD-3 results from a multi-year development effort towards a MIDI keyboard which finaly makes Bluetooth practical to use in a music making enviroment. KD-3 is deeply techically grounded, resulting in unheard of battery life (>500 hours) while still delivering very low latency. Charge for 15 minutes to get >100 hours of juice.
The hardware further reflects our passion for long lasting and thoughtful design, heavily inspired by Braun and Dieter Rams design philosophy. The design of KD-3 is simple by design. All of the controls are hands on and direct. No menu diving here. A ultra low powered screen gives you simple information like battery percentage and connection status. It's body is machined from a single piece of aluminium and anodized in natural color, resulting in a pure and matte finish. Get access to all of it's internals only through a few standard screws, making it very easy to service.
Please reach out if your're interested!